
Very Important Things

All the world's a stage; and all the men and women merely players... except when you're in the audience, right?
Shakespeare left out that little tidbit, didn't he?
Last night, I had the privilege of being a member of an "on camera audience" for the taping of three episodes of Important Things With Demetri Martin. If you've never seen the show, I highly recommend it. Demetri Martin does some standup, a few skits, and a cartoon here and there: it's quite the comedy.
Every time I go to see a concert, go backstage where there are going to be famous people I love, or see a televised show like this (apparently), I have-in my mind- a way that things should go. It's always completely sane and makes me dream "it's possible!" at the time, but thinking about it later: it's nothing short of ridiculous. I always think they are going to pull me onstage and then become best friends with me soon after because I'm so ridiculously charismatic and witty. Needless to say, my best friend is not Demetri Martin... yet. See, there I go again.
Even though DM and I didn't get a chance to say hello, I still enjoyed being a spectator. I learned he wasn't the guy he is on TV. He could be quite the diva, at times. Off-camera he was complaining about his stool, the noise level of the background music, the volume of his mic, and a whole host of other crap. He was also cool, don't get me wrong; it wasn't like he was crying and bitching the whole time or anything, he was pretty shy [he did however, flash the audience]. But when the cameras were rolling, it was amazing! He was quick and funny, and if he messed up (he only did it three times in three hours) we got to laugh at the same joke twice. All in all it was a pretty neat experience; and I'd do it all over again.

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